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Please use the contact information below to connect with a specific office or department that can best meet your needs.
Mr Shailesh Pote
Flat No 101, Plot No. 95, Pushkar House
Opp Society Ground, MCCHS
Panvel 410206
Mr Deepak Gadge
shanti niwas, lokandi pada, near savarkar chowk,pa
panvel 410206
Shital Shah,
District Governor 24-25,
Rotary Office, Star Financials,
E 9 & 10, Suryaprakash Society,
Marketyard, Pune-411037
Time : 12 noon - 8pm.
Dimakh Consultants Private Limited
71/A-1 “Vishnu Bhavan”, 15th Lane Prabhat Road,
Pune - 411 004. India.
Phone - +91 (20) 25671495/25671496